Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Star Wars Post 1

To start Things off I thought I would dive right into the last episode of Star Wars the Clone Wars. So if you have not watched the episode then go do so and then come back. Spoilers will be in this post the biggest thing in this episode was what happened to Asoka Tano. While I will not discuss why I think this was good for the franchise and the story in this post, I may at some point. Back to the main point there are many similarities between the Jedi Order and the Church in this episode.

When Asoka is removed from the Jedi Order it is like the church shunning one of its own fallen member. We do this all the time without taking notice of what we are doing. Instead we should be doing what Anakin does and rally behind the fallen member to try and boost them up so that they do not fall again. Why do we see their sin as something that we should stay away from when we need to help them? God may be calling you to help them through the same struggle that you have already face. You can give them your experience that you have gained that help you through it. I am guilty of this too, but we cannot let our fallen brothers and sisters to suffer through it. God also showed me another thing that he wants to get out to his church.

When the Church out cast someone and find out that they did it for no reason they will get the same reaction that Asoka gave the Jedi Council. The person sees the hypocrisy that fills the church today. My words my seem harsh but it is what God has told me to tell the Church. We need to stop focusing on ourselves and focus on other, either making each other better Christians or growing the church. That is part of the reason for this blog, as well as needing to get my geek out.

The Point that I am making with this post are that as a Church we need to grow each other in our faith. I am guilt of this just so you know that I am not perfect. Also I want to have a bible but I do not. So if someone could put one in the comments that would be great.

May The Fore Be With You
As Well As God

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